Menasha Public Library (Elisha D. Smith)

The Cheyenne, Earle Rice Jr.

The Cheyenne, Earle Rice Jr.
index present
Literary Form
non fiction
Main title
The Cheyenne
Oclc number
Responsibility statement
Earle Rice Jr.
Series statement
We were here first
With the exception of the Sioux, the Cheyenne are perhaps the best known of all the Plains Indians. Famous for their fighting qualities, they fought a series of unforgettable battles with the U. S. Army and white settlers seeking to seize their lands and alter their lifestyle. They claimed a place in history at the Powder River, the Rosebud, and the Little Bighorn. Against the irrepressible surge of U.S. westward expansion during the 1800s, Cheyenne warriors fought and died for the land they loved.-- Publisher's description
Table Of Contents
A time to die -- Dog soldiers -- Getting to know the Cheyenne -- The things they wore -- Maheo and Sweet Medicine -- Cheyenne ceremonies -- The Cheyenne way -- Long way home -- Still Cheyenne -- The last battle -- Fascinating facts about the Cheyennne -- Chapter notes -- Further reading -- Works consulted -- Books -- On the internet -- Glossary -- Index
Target audience
pre adolescent
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